Recent News

  • Manuscript accepted in Spine

    In Vivo Evidence of Early Instability and Late Stabilization in Motion Segments Immediately Superior to Anterior Cervical Arthrodesis. Chen S, LeVasseur C, Pitcairn S, Munsch M, Couch B, Kanter A, Okonkwo D, Shaw J, Donaldson W, Lee J, Anderst W.

  • Manuscript accepted in Annals of Biomedical Engineering

    In Vivo Changes in Dynamic Adjacent Segment Motion One Year After One and Two-Level Cervical Arthrodesis. LeVasseur C, Pitcairn S, Okonkwo S, Kanter A, Shaw J, Donaldson W, Lee J, Anderst W.

  • Manuscript accepted in Journal of Biomechanics

    Implant Characteristics Affect In Vivo Shoulder Kinematics During Multiplanar Functional Motions After Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty. Como C, LeVasseur C, Kane G, Rai A, Munsch M, Gabrielli A, Hughes J, Anderst W, Lin A

  • Manuscript accepted in Journal of Biomechanics

    The effects of pathology and one-level versus two-level arthrodesis on cervical spine intervertebral helical axis of motion. LeVasseur C, Pitcairn S, Shaw J, Donaldson W, Lee J, Anderst W.

  • Manuscript accepted in Journal of Biomechanics

    Residual limb shear strain during gait is correlated with patient reported outcomes for persons with transfemoral amputation. Gale T, Yang S, McGough R, Fielder G, Anderst W.

  • New Research Technician

    Caroline Pellegrini has joined as our new Research Technician.